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My Fibromyalia Journey

💟🦋My fibromyalgia journey🦋💟

🌈So here’s a quick update now it’s been 4 months since starting my new #nutrition and #lifestyle change and blogging #myfibromyalgiajourney online.

🌍Since being diagnosed with #fibromyalgia 5 years ago, I’ve been very interested in natural #healthcare, advancing on my previous #occupationaltherapy degree and career. It started with investing in the #AlphaStim - a #microcurrent electrotherapy device. This definitely helped me get back on my feet, manage my emotions and help me from being bed and house bound to ‘functional’.

🍋I attempted a healthy lifestyle and diet, introduced a #selfcare routine including vitamin D, B12 and magnesium, various massages, hot baths, Modified Pilates, regular rest and exercise and ‘healthy eating’.

❄️Each winter, symptoms have seemed to get progressively worse. This winter was by far the worst, and considerably restricted my daily occupations.

*Some theories of triggers/causes could have been*

- environmental stressors: metals, chemicals and toxins including exposure to mould

- physical stressors - x2 pregnancies and childbirth

- underlying viruses and conditions, potentially caused by antibiotic resistance, fed on certain food types which therefore multiply

- deficiencies

- digestion problems, SIBO and leaky gut

- hormones

- time and age

- cold, damp weather (but I can also struggle in hot weather too!)

... the list could go on.

🍏I invested some time and money in having a few nutritional tests, not available on the NHS. And we discovered various things including #mouldtoxicity, #SIBO, zinc and oher metals and chemicals, #herpesvirus and #epsteinbarrvirus and some mineral deficiencies including magnesium and B12.

🌈This gave me a lot of #hope. Something treatable and manageable and would hopefully reduce or eliminate fibro symptoms if I could get it under control or even gone altogether! These viruses feed off each other and anything unnatural or #pure going into my body would multiply the cells or my body wouldn’t be able to process them, hence the #chronicfatigue and inflammation.

🌻You’ll have seen on my social media posts that I have applied a #holisticapproach to my health and wellbeing. This is includes clean eating: #freefrom gluten, dairy, soya and refined sugar. Limiting processed foods and meats, increased fruit, veg, protein, fibre and of course, bone broth🤣. I also have a supplement regime including high quality, pure vitamins. I also use #doTERRA CTPG essential oils, (for all daily needs:)), digestion enzymes and probiotics to help the gut. Amongst lots of other things such as limiting use of metals or using #toxicfree and #chemicalfree products including reducing exposure to WiFi and wavelengths (I know, crazy right!?). I’ve attempted #nonfluoride toothpaste and not wearing jewellery. Getting plenty of rest, pacing (where possible with small kiddos!), getting good quality sleep, exercise, moving and stretching, reducing stress and increasing #positivity and #purpose. It seems overwhelming, but now it’s just a lifestyle.

👏🏻It’s been an intense lockdown period, as I'm sure it has for everyone. A few weeks ago I was on naproxen (and omeprozole) for a week or so to help with some hip pain and inflammation. A few months ago, I would have seen this as defeat. But now, it’s winning. Listening to your body to know what it needs and helping it recover. I still struggle to get out of bed each day, struggle with fatigue, joint pain, periods and #fibrofog to name a few symptoms so,

🎉I am by no means #healed...yet! It’s a long journey but I’m definitely feeling the benefits and having a lot more good days than bad days compared to a few weeks or months ago.

🎗Next for me is to switch my drinking water fully to #filteredwater, and I’ve finally found a tasty fluoride free, affordable toothpaste. I’m also starting a new supplement regime which I’m sure I’ll share about. I've also, over the last year or so, began to switch all my cleaning and toiletry products to natural and toxic free, so hoping to continue this investment fully. We also discovered some mould in our kitchen, so had that removed, and currently in the process of renovating our house - hopefully removing any damp or mould as we go along!

💚This journey has certainly inspired me to really consider what I/we as family put in/on our bodies and its affect on our health and #wellbeing. Using #Godsgifts of nature to help heal, being patient and kind to yourself and #listentoyourbody, not your cravings. It’s encouraged me to advocate a healthy lifestyle, return to working in healthcare and help others on this journey☺️💚

🌈If reading this, you have felt provoked or unsure how to start/progress in your health and wellness journey, please do get in touch if I can help you make some baby steps in the right direction, you won't regret it :)

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